Take a look at what’s coming up…
Events with local churches
Online Retreats & Events
Residential Retreats
Day Events

Alive in Christ - Online
This event is fully booked. If you would like to go on a waiting list for the next course, please email bookings@resourcingrenewal.org.
Alive in Christ is a course for small groups, whose aim is to offer each member of the group a transforming experience of God’s love, enabling them to love and forgive others and helping them to become confident about serving God as a member of Christ’s Body.
“Have you ever wanted to try something different but have never been able to pluck up the courage to make that leap of faith? ‘Alive in Christ’ is a course that we encourage everyone to attend. It is perfect for anyone regardless of age, how long they have been a Christian or how strong their faith is. You have nothing to loose, and everything to gain. The course can be challenging at times but that is good. It makes you think, it helps you to address issues in your life and confirms that the love of God is all sufficient.”
“Alive in Christ is non-confrontational, there is no right or wrong, no pass or fail. You are amongst like-minded people who want to extend their learning by using the Bible, conversation, prayer and music to gain a greater understanding of how they can grow in faith and ultimately discover their role in God’s Kingdom.”
Sarah Clark will be leading the Alive in Christ course online.
Click here to find out more about Alive in Christ
1.30pm — 3pm | on Tuesdays:
4th March
11th March
18th March
25th March
1st April

Lent Conversations on Church Renewal
Battles and Blessings: Lent Conversations on Church Renewal
Join ReSource Director Christopher Landau for a series of live online conversations about the challenges and opportunities facing the church in our day, as we journey through the season of Lent.
Feel free to bring your lunch as we gather on Zoom at 1pm each Wednesday. The session begins with conversation between Christopher and his guest, followed by plenty of time for open questions and discussion, and ending (by 2pm) with a time of shared prayer.
The Conversations will also be available afterwards on the Resourcing Renewal Youtube page.
19th March: Pastor John Funnell, author of What God can do with a little oil: Church Growth in a Desperate Situation
Pastor John arrived in Abersychan, in the Welsh valleys, in 2014. On a street which once had seven churches, most (including the Anglican church) had closed; the congregation at Nodffa Church had dwindled and its own closure was imminent. But God had other plans… and the church has, over the last decade, been transformed into a thriving community. John will share with us a story of sacrifice, prayer, and ultimately revival.
26th March: Bishop Emma Ineson, Bishop of Kensington.
Bishop Emma was ordained in 2000, and In December 2022 was announced as the Bishop of Kensington. Bishop Emma is an academic, specialising in practical theology. She is the author of Failure: What Jesus Said About Sin, Mistakes and Messing Stuff Up. She recently wrote an article for Premier titled ‘I’m praying for revival. Will you join me?’.
9th April: Bishop John Inge, former Bishop of Worcester
Bishop John Inge has recently retired after seventeen years as Bishop of Worcester. Over those years he was a member of the Faith and Order Commission, chair of the College of Evangelists, and lead bishop on cathedrals and church buildings. He is the author of A Christian Theology of Place. In a recent social media post, he noted that the Church of England is engaged in an intense spiritual battle – a comment which prompted the invitation to join this series of conversations.
16th April: Revd Dr Russ Parker, Director of 2Restore.
Russ was Director of the Acorn Christian Healing Foundation from 1995-2013 and is now the Director of 2Restore which resources churches to resolve unhealed issues and move forward in a renewed ability to flourish as God intends. He is the author of Healing Wounded History and Rediscovering the Ministry of Blessing. Russ travels extensively around the UK and abroad, lecturing and teaching on issues connected with Christian Healing and Healthcare, Reconciliation and Church Transformation.
Book your tickets below
Would you consider making a minimum £5 donation to ReSource to access this series?

Renewing Hope in Smaller Churches - Midlands
As the caterer is already preparing for the event, we may not now be able to cater for specific dietary requirements. If you have any questions please get in touch with katie@resourcingrenewal.org.
Part of a series of regional gatherings, offering a day of spiritual refreshment as we reflect on, and pray for, the renewal of smaller churches.
Join ReSource at St Paul’s Church Leamington on Saturday 29th March for a day focussed on renewing hope in ‘little, local, ordinary’ contexts. We will encounter God afresh, renewing our confidence in the inextinguishable power of biblical hope. We will also have times to worship, to reflect, and to wrestle together with the practicalities of living hopefully in smaller churches.
Facilitated by Jolyon Trickey and others with biblical teaching from David Newman, formerly warden of Launde Abbey
Book your tickets below.
Saturday, 29th March | 10am — 4pm
Venue: St Paul's Church, Leicester Street, Leamington Spa, CV32 4TE
Outline programme:
09:45 am Arrivals
10:15 am Welcomes and worship
11:00 am "Receiving, Waiting, Groaning" - talk by David Newman, former warden of Launde Abbey, on Romans 8, with questions and discussion in small groups
12 noon Plenary discussion followed by worship & opportunity for prayer.
1pm Lunch
2pm Worship & about ReSource
2:30 pm “Signs of Hope” - panel reflections with discussion in small groups.
3:30 pm Closing worship, prayer ministry and the offer of anointing.

Online Retreat - Holy Week
Gather with us via Zoom as we mark Holy Week together.
Wednesday 16th April | 9am – 1pm
During Holy Week there can be a tendency to focus on the events of Jesus’ final week and the assorted characters who appear in the Gospel narratives, whilst Jesus, himself, is portrayed as somewhat other-worldly. Much Western Art reinforces this image. As a result we sometimes forget that Jesus was fully human and, as a human, was knowingly facing the most traumatic days of his life.
Join Alongside Companion Caroline Friswell for an online morning retreat, exploring something of Jesus’ own human responses to events and people around him as we revisit, once again, some of Jesus’ experiences in his final days. In doing so, we are reminded of the full cost that Jesus paid for our salvation.
We will use readings from the gospels of Luke and John, times of prayer, music and sung worship, followed by around 30 minutes of time away from the screen each hour for personal prayer and reflection.
Please sign up on the form below. You will receive the Zoom link by return, and a programme a few days prior to the retreat.

Online Retreat for Pentecost 2025
Join us for an online morning retreat, focussing on Pentecost.
The programme will include worship, music, teaching and times of silence, and a welcome to the Holy Spirit to meet us as we draw near to him.
The day will be hosted on Zoom and is free of charge with the option to make a donation.
Please sign up on the form below. You will receive the Zoom link by return, and a programme a few days prior to the retreat.

Year of Prayer 2025
Prayer for the Renewal of the Church
Throughout 2025, ReSource will be praying specifically for the renewal of the church.
In a year that will see the appointment of a new Archbishop of Canterbury, please consider joining us for monthly times of prayer for God’s renewing work across all the churches of our nation - with a particular focus on the life and ministry of the Church of England, at this time of change and challenge.
12 noon on the third Thursday of each month, on Zoom
January 16th
February 20th
March 20th
April 17th
May 15th
June 19th
July 17th
August 21st
September 18th
October 16th
November 20th
December 18th
Using the Church of England ‘Prayer During the Day’, followed by open prayer
Some Scriptures to inspire our prayer…
You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
I Peter 2.9,10
As you have sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, so that they also may be sanctified in truth. I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
John 17.18-23
Just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.
I Corinthians 12.12,13a
Book your free ticket below

Renewing Hope in Smaller Churches - Wales
As the caterer is already preparing for the day, we can no longer guarantee to cater for specific dietary requirements. If you have any questions please contact katie@resourcingrenewal.org.
Part of a series of regional gatherings, offering a day of spiritual refreshment as we reflect on, and pray for, the renewal of smaller churches.
Join ReSource at Holy Trinity, Llandrindod Wells on Saturday 15th March for a day focussed on renewing hope in ‘little, local, ordinary’ contexts. We will encounter God afresh, renewing our confidence in the inextinguishable power of biblical hope. We will also have times to worship, to reflect, and to wrestle together with the practicalities of living hopefully in smaller churches.
Facilitated by the Ven Mones Farah, Christopher Landau, Jolyon Trickey and others with biblical teaching from Bishop Mark Ashcroft.
Book your tickets below.
Saturday, 15th March 2025 | 10am — 4pm
Venue: Holy Trinity in Llandrindod Wells, LD1 5EY
Outline programme:
09:45 am Arrivals
10:15 am Welcomes and worship
11:00 am Talk by Bishop Mark Ashcroft on biblical hope, with questions and discussion in small groups
12 noon Plenary discussion followed by worship & opportunity for prayer.
1pm Lunch
2pm Worship & about ReSource
2:30 pm “Signs of Hope” - panel reflections with discussion in small groups.
3:30 pm Closing worship, prayer ministry and the offer of anointing.

Online Retreat for Ash Wednesday
An online retreat to re-focus on Ash Wednesday
Wednesday 5th March | 9am – 1pm
The programme will include worship, music, teaching and times of silence, and a welcome to the Holy Spirit to meet us as we draw near to him.
Led by ReSource Director Christopher Landau
The day will be hosted on Zoom and is free of charge with the option to make a donation.
Please sign up on the form below. You will receive the Zoom link by return, and a programme a few days prior to the retreat.

Individually Guided Retreat - Foxhill, Cheshire
Individually Guided Retreat
Monday 24th February 3.30pm to Thursday 27th February 11am
Led by Revd Stephen Dinsmore, Revd Pauline Shepherd and Revd Donna Williams
This event is fully booked.
Experience a retreat with the support of a retreat guide, held in silence with scripture, reflection and in a relaxing and attractive environment.
This individually guided retreat invites you to step away from the immediacy and noise of life to focus on your relationship with God, the eternal, as a time of refreshment and renewal or, if you choose, to wrestle with an issue of the moment.
The retreat includes corporate time of silence, two daily short services with helpful reflection, and a one-to-one meeting each day with your retreat guide.'
Whether this is your first silent retreat, or you a regular, all are most welcome.
Why would anyone go on a silent retreat? Find our more here
Responses from participants in ReSource's 2023 Foxhill Retreat:
“I have turned a corner spiritually”, “A milestone - and what a God-filled experience”, “Helped filter God's calling and voice to me”, “An opportunity to rest in God's love”
Click here to book on to the retreat and if you have any questions, please contact the Foxhill team: 01928 733777 foxhill@chester.anglican.org

Creation Care - Open Forum
How might the Holy Spirit be leading us to be a blessing to all creation?
What might Christian distinctiveness then look like?
Is this a conversation you would like to continue?
Join Revd Hannah Lins online for a time of reflection, discussion and prayer via zoom
Wednesday 12th Febuary | 2pm - 3pm
Within the Anglican tradition, the fifth mark of mission is to ‘strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and to sustain and renew the life of the Earth’. ReSource is committed to being ‘active in mission’.
Alongside Companion Hannah Lins is vicar of seven churches in rural Shropshire, which are increasingly being affected by the changing climate. Join this conversation exploring how ‘alive in the Spirit, active in mission’ relates to the call to safeguard the integrity of creation.
Sign up below

Online Retreat - Christmas
An online retreat for Christmas | Wednesday 18th December | 9am – 1pm
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6
Led by ReSource Minister & Alongside Companion, Revd Matthew Grayshon
Using music, including Handel’s Messiah, and pictures to reflect on the titles of Jesus. The programme will include worship, music, teaching and times of silence, and a welcome to the Holy Spirit to meet us as we draw near to him.
The day will be hosted on Zoom and is free of charge with the option to make a donation.
Please sign up on the form below. You will receive the Zoom link by return, and a programme a few days prior to the retreat.

Charismatic Renewal - in conversation with
Does the church routinely sideline the Holy Spirit?
Can insights from charismatic renewal be expressed in a way that is received fruitfully across church traditions?
What is the Holy Spirit saying to the church in our generation?
What does charismatic renewal need to hear from critical friends?
Join ReSource Director Christopher Landau for a series of live online conversations with authors and theologians as they explore the relationship between charismatic renewal, the wider life of the church, and God’s mission in the world.
Feel free to bring your lunch as we gather on Zoom at 1pm each Tuesday. The session begins with conversation between Christopher and his guest, followed by plenty of time for open questions and discussion, and ending (by 2pm) with a time of shared prayer.
The Conversations will also be available afterwards on the Resourcing Renewal Youtube page.
Charismatic Renewal in conversation with…
17 September
The call to mission – Hannah Steele director of St Mellitus London and author of ‘Living His Story: Being a Community of Missionary Disciples
24 September
The global church – Richard Moy director of SOMA and author of ‘The Lion Roars: Letters to the Charismatic Church’
1 October
The history of Christian spirituality – Joanna Collicutt author of ‘So Longeth My Soul: A Reader in Christian Spirituality’
NEW DATE: Tuesday 3rd December.
8 October
Introverts – Bishop Mark Tanner author of ‘The Introvert Charismatic’ and Patron of ReSource
15 October
The church of tomorrow – John McGinley director of Myriad & author of ‘The Church of Tomorrow: Being a Christ-Centred People in a Changing World’

Online Retreat - Advent
Aperitif! The Holy Spirit as the foretaste of God’s kingdom
An online retreat to re-focus on Advent
The programme will include worship, music, teaching and times of silence, and a welcome to the Holy Spirit to meet us as we draw near to him.
Knowing who I am (Romans 8:14-17)
Reconnecting with God’s passion (Romans 8:18-25)
Transformed through prayer (Romans 8:26-30)
Led by ReSource Minister & Alongside Companion Revd Meg Heywood & ReSource Courses and Resources Editor Revd Dr David Heywood
The day will be hosted on Zoom and is free of charge with the option to make a donation.
Please sign up on the form below. You will receive the Zoom link by return, and a programme a few days prior to the retreat.

Clergy and church leaders, encouraged afresh
Clergy & Church Leaders’ retreat run jointly with Scargill.
Wednesday 20th 4pm – Friday 22nd November 2pm | Scargill House, North Yorkshire
Drawing on wisdom for ministry and life in the Spirit from the letter to the Romans, this retreat will seek “the God who gives endurance and encouragement”, so that whatever challenges we are facing in ministry, we know that we are children of God called to share in his glory.
This retreat will be led by ReSource Director Christopher Landau & Felicity Lawson, and Annie Naish from Scargill

Renewed in Prayer - Open Retreat
Gather with us for an open retreat run jointly with Scargill.
Monday 18th 4pm – Weds 20th November 2pm | Scargill House, North Yorkshire
Scargill is often described as a ‘thin’ place where prayer happens more easily. Whether your own life of prayer feels well-nourished, or is in need of refreshment, this retreat will consider our foundations in prayer, and fresh approaches, rooted in Jesus’ teaching in Luke 11:1-13.
This retreat will be led by ReSource Ministers Adrian & Esther Stone, and Mike Leigh from Scargill.

Charismatic History ‘Witness Seminars’ - Online
We are continuing our series of 'witness seminars', open to anyone with an interest in the history of charismatic renewal, and with a particular invitation to those with personal memories to share of the period 1960-2000.
Thursdays at 2pm on Zoom
Thu 17th Oct – ‘Then and now’: reflecting on continuity and change in charismatic renewal, including responses from September’s Project Consultation at Wycliffe Hall in Oxford.
Thu 14th Nov – Engaging with Scripture - how did charismatic renewal change or impact the way people engaged with the Bible? Do you have memories to share of Scripture 'coming alive' in a new way? How did daily devotions, or devotional reading, change?

Music and Worship in Smaller Churches - 24hr residential retreat with day-only option
How can music and worship in smaller churches come alive in the Spirit, even when musical resources may be limited?
Join Roger Jones (Director of Christian Music Ministries) and Revd Dr Christopher Landau (Director of ReSource) for a 24 hour retreat designed to equip and inspire those who lead worship - whether musicians or singers, lay ministers or clergy.
We will consider theological and spiritual questions, and also have plenty of practical musical illustrations and opportunities for participation. Attendees are encouraged to be ready to share about their own context with the wider group. There will also be several opportunities for shared prayer and worship.
The retreat builds on the three online seminars run by Roger and Christopher in early 2024.
We will be hosted by Cuddesdon Retreat Centre near Oxford.
Outline programme:
Friday 5th July
5pm Arrivals
5:30-6:30 Opening session: welcomes and introductions
7pm Dinner
8:15-9:30 Session 1: ‘why we worship’, followed by devotional worship & prayer
Saturday 6th July
08:30 Breakfast
10:00-11:30 Session 2: theological foundations for worship and renewal
11:30 Refreshments
11:50 – 1pm Session 3: leading worship, open to the Spirit – planning and enabling creative worship
1pm Lunch
2:15-3:30 Session 4: nurturing the prophetic and spiritual gifts in worship
3:30 Refreshments
4-5pm Closing session and sending out

A Day of Prayer for Renewing Hope in Smaller Churches
Join us at the beautiful Harnhill Centre in Gloucestershire for a day of inspiration and prayer, focussed on the life and renewal of ‘little, local, ordinary’ churches.
10am – 4pm.
ReSource has a particular call to focus on serving and encouraging the many churches in the UK which typically gather 50 people or fewer (sometimes far fewer!) on a Sunday, helping them unlock their particular gifts and face their specific challenges.
As someone once said, a satsuma is not a failed orange! This is a day for anyone wishing to pray for renewal in smaller churches to gather together.
Refreshments on arrival, from 9:45am
10.15am Morning Prayer, sung worship, and opening address
ReSource Director Revd Dr Christopher Landau reflects on Luke 11:1-13 and the promise of Spirit-filled prayer renewing hope in smaller churches
11:15am Foundations in Intercessory Prayer
ReSource Intercession Team Leaders Steve and Jocelyn Burton will share about the ministry of intercession, followed by a time of prayer for local churches represented on the day
11:45 Short Break
12:00pm Encouragements Shared of Renewing Hope
We will hear some stories and testimonies of prayer as a foundation for renewal within and beyond the church, followed by time in small group prayer (with the option of silent personal prayer, or prayer walking)
1.00pm Lunch
2.00pm Praying for Leaders under Pressure
We hear from some ReSource Companions who offer one-to-one support to church leaders, followed by prayer in small groups for those in church leadership
2:45pm Prophetic Prayer: What is the Spirit Saying to our Churches?
A time of sung worship and prophetic prayer, with prayer ministry available.
3.45pm Tea, followed by departures
Lunch is included, and there will be plenty of time, weather permitting, to enjoy the gardens and grounds at Harnhill. There will also be opportunities to learn more about the ministry of ReSource and how we might be able to support your local church(es).
Cost: £15 includes lunch
Location: Harnhill Centre of Christian Healing
Harnhill, Cirencester
Gloucestershire GL7 5PX

A Day on Disagreement - Foxhill, Cheshire
Loving Disagreement - The Problem is the Solution
Saturday 22nd June
10am to 4pm (refreshments available from 9:30am)
A day for clergy and lay leaders with the ReSource Director Revd Dr Christopher Landau, author of 'Loving Disagreement' and the 'Unity Course'.
Whether we're thinking about the church at a local level, nationally or internationally, the fact of disagreement among Christians is inescapable - but why is it often so toxic?
This day will be rooted in the reality of local church life, seeking to apply a theology of disagreement to the varied challenges faced in churches today.
£30 per person - includes lunch and refreshments. Sign up here
Reflecting on his experiences as a religion journalist, student of ethics and an Anglican priest, the day will be based around Christopher Landau's book, 'Loving Disagreement'. Biblical reflections will focus on applying the Fruit of the Spirit to the ways in which we handle our inevitable disagreements; the other key texts are the image of the vine, and the instance of footwashing, in John's Gospel.
Come and explore the challenge of facing disagreements in the life of the church in ways that reflect the love to which Christ calls his followers: ‘By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another’ (John 13:35).
Click here for sign up info and tickets.
If you have any questions, please contact the Foxhill team: Foxhill@chester.anglican.org | 01928 733777
Find out more about The Unity Course here
Session 1 – Thinking
Session 2 – Praying
Session 3 – Worshipping
Session 4 – Writing and Speaking
Session 5 – Unifying and Peace-Making

Pentecost Conversations, Elizabeth Oldfield
What is the Holy Spirit saying to the church?
How should we understand the theology and practice of spiritual gifts today?
How do we speak about religious experience in a way that intrigues people without Christian faith?
What does Pentecost have to do with unity?
Join ReSource Director Christopher Landau for a series of live online conversations with authors and theologians on the theology of Pentecost, and what it is to seek the Holy Spirit in the contemporary church.
Feel free to bring your lunch as we gather on Zoom at 1pm each Tuesday. The session begins with conversation between Christopher and his guest, followed by plenty of time for open questions and discussion, and ending (by 2pm) with a time of shared prayer.
The Conversations will also be available afterwards on the Resourcing Renewal Youtube page.
23 April – Dr Lucy Peppiatt
Lucy has been Principal at Westminster Theological Centre (WTC) since 2013. She teaches courses in Christian doctrine and in spiritual formation. Her research interests are Christ and the Spirit, Charismatic theology, theological anthropology, discipleship, 1 Corinthians, and women in the Bible. She is part of Crossnet Church in Bristol, which is led by her husband, Nick Crawley. She has four sons and four daughters-in-law.
30 April - Revd Dr Helen Collins
Helen Collins is Vice Principal Academic and Tutor in Practical Theology at Trinity College, Bristol. Helen describes herself as 'an interdisciplinary theologian' and she teaches and writes on a range of topics, including theological reflection, charismatic Christianity, feminism, motherhood, discipleship, preaching, and Christian doctrine. Her publications include Charismatic Christianity (Baker Academic). She is an ordained Anglican priest, a Spiritual Director and a mother of three.
7 May – Dr Ian Randall
Ian Randall has taught church history and spirituality since the early 1990s. He was based for much of that time in London, at Spurgeon’s College, and in Prague. In 2008 he moved to Cambridge, where he has combined theological and pastoral involvements. Ian has had a long-term interest in the study of movements of spiritual renewal and of missional initiatives. He is the author of several books, and recently published a Grove Booklet, Revival: Learning from History. He is part of the advisory board for ReSource’s project on the history of charismatic renewal.
14 May – Fr Matt Anscombe
Fr Matt is a Catholic priest in the Clifton Diocese, which serves parts of South West England. He was ordained in 2010 and has served in several parishes. He has been a supporter of Catholic Charismatic Renewal for many years, and has recently published a book, Don’t Forget the Holy Spirit, urging readers ‘to be open to a fresh outpouring and further release of the gifts of the Holy Spirit’. He is currently parish priest of the South Bristol Mission Area, a family of four parishes.
21 May – Elizabeth Oldfield
Elizabeth is the host of the acclaimed Sacred podcast, and for ten years was director of Theos, the religion and society think-tank. Her first book, Fully Alive: Tending to the Soul in Turbulent Times, is about to be published, and includes reflection on charismatic spiritual experience and its place within and beyond the church. She writes and broadcasts widely, and is the chair of Larger Us, ‘a community of change-makers who share the aim of bridging divides rather than deepening them’. She lives in an intentional Christian community in South London with her husband and children.
Would you consider making a minimum £5 donation to ReSource to access this series?
Book your tickets below

Renewing Hope in Smaller Churches - North West
As the caterer is already preparing for the day, we will no longer necessarily be able to cater for additional signups, although we will do our very best. Please contact katie@resourcingrenewal.org if you have any questions.
Part of a series of regional gatherings, offering a day of spiritual refreshment as we reflect on, and pray for, the renewal of smaller churches.
Join ReSource at St James Church, Stopes Brow, Lower Darwen on Wednesday, 17 April for a day focussed on renewing hope in these ‘little, local, ordinary’ contexts. Facilitated by Revd Jolyon Trickey, Ven David Picken and others, with teaching on Ephesians 1 from Bishop Mark Ashcroft, we will encounter God afresh, renewing our confidence in the inextinguishable power of biblical hope. We will also have times to worship, to reflect, and to wrestle together with the practicalities of living hopefully in our wonderful little, local and ‘ordinary’ churches. Book your tickets below.
Wednesday, 17 April | 10am — 4pm
Led by Revd Jolyon Trickey
Venue: St James Church, Stopes Brow, Lower Darwen BB3 0QP

Music and Worship in Smaller Churches — 3 Online seminars
A series of three Online Seminars on Tuesday afternoons in Jan/Feb 2024
Join our Director, Christopher Landau, and Roger Jones (Director of Christian Music Ministries) for a series of three online seminars, exploring some challenges and opportunities around music in worship in smaller churches.
Following a pilot seminar last September, Roger and Christopher have devised these three seminars for church musicians, clergy and lay leaders who are keen to see the Spirit at work where ‘small is beautiful’ and musical resources are limited.
30th January - Effective praise and worship with limited resources
• Matthew 13 - what God does in the small
Psalm 95 - seeking a heart for worship
• Open discussion: What are the challenges in your context?
• Effective music and worship in practice:
1. A Service of the Word / unstructured settings - Christopher
Opportunity for questions/response
2. Communion services – Roger
• Sharing of experiences – positive and negative.
What’s worked well in your context?
• Closing prayer, including listening prayer – for local contexts represented,
inviting the Spirit to breathe new life and hope.
6th February - “Ancient and Modern” - integrating different styles
Introduction – what is the value of integrating musical styles, particularly in ‘little, local, ordinary’ churches?
Breakout rooms: what are the issues in your context when it comes to integrating ancient/modern? Are you in a place which prefers one style only? How flexible are people to try something new?
Input from Roger: the Biblical model of psalms, hymns and songs – and what it is to make space for all these elements of sung worship.
Breakout room group exercise: creating a block of praise / sung worship using ‘psalms, hymns and spiritual songs’ suitable for Easter
20th February - Nurturing creative, prophetic worship
Introduction – what do we mean by seeking the Spirit as we worship? What are our basic assumptions about charismatic gifts, and how might we encourage people in our churches to be open to new encounters with God?
Breakout room: to discuss the reality of our own context and our current experience.
Input from Roger: Biblical basis for prophetic worship, and practical musical examples. Including reflection on how to ‘improvise in the Spirit’ and encourage participation.
Breakout room: how to earth these ideas in your own context – challenges and opportunities.
Final song: ‘Precious and Honoured’ followed by whole group prayer.
2pm – 3.30pm
Led by Roger Jones and Christopher Landau
Save the Date!
We are also running a 24 hour residential retreat to explore these themes more practically in person – Friday 5th – Saturday 6th July 2024 in Cuddesdon, Oxford. More details here.

Feeding the Five Thousand
You’re invited to ReSource’s first National Day Conference: Spiritual Renewal in Smaller Churches
Telford Minster, Southwater Square, Telford
The Church of England estimates that there are around five thousand parish churches where between 15 and 55 people worship on a typical Sunday. They are the backbone of the CofE, yet their particular needs and opportunities are sometimes overlooked. Join ReSource for a day focussed on spiritual renewal in these ‘little, local, ordinary’ contexts – in the Church of England and beyond.
Keynote address from The Revd Canon Dr Michael Leyden, Dean of Emmanuel Theological College
A range of afternoon seminars on ministry in smaller churches, including: Developing Healing ministry; Growing in discipleship (including running the Saints Alive! course); Building Foundations in Prayer; Developing music and sung worship (with Roger Jones of Christian Music Ministries).
An opportunity to hear more about ReSource’s Alongside Scheme, and to meet Companions and church leaders currently in the scheme
The day will include a celebration of Holy Communion with the offer of anointing, with prayer ministry available, led by Bishop John Holbrook, our chair of trustees.
9:45am Arrivals and refreshments
10:15 Welcomes and opening worship
11:00 Keynote Address: Michael Leyden followed by group discussion and plenary
12 noon Holy Communion with anointing (led by our Chair of Trustees, Bishop John Holbrook)
1pm Lunch
2:00-2:50 Seminar options:
Starting small in healing prayer – Michael Leyden
Leaders’ personal hope renewed – Jan Allon-Smith & Jolyon Trickey
Growing discipleship through Saints Alive – Donna Williams & Christopher Landau
3:00-3:50 Seminar options:
Building and strengthening foundations in prayer – Christopher Landau, Trish Allan, Steve & Jocelyn Burton
Leaders’ personal hope renewed – Jan Allon-Smith & Jolyon Trickey (repeat of previous seminar)
Music and worship in smaller churches – Roger Jones
4:10 Plenary feedback and closing worship (with Prayer Ministry available)
7:30-9:30 You are also invited to a separate evening celebration, including the launch of our 2024 Lent Course, Alive in Christ, and a prayer focus on nurturing the gift of prophecy in the local church.
Telford Minster is located within Meeting Point House, Southwater Square, Telford TF3 4HS (the same building as the ReSource office). Enter through the main exterior doors from Southwater Square, and the entrance to Telford Minster is through the double doors immediately on your left. Proceed upstairs to the first floor of the building. There is a lift enabling full disabled access.
The nearest train station is Telford Central, which is about 20 minutes’ walk from Telford Minster.
The nearest car park is Southwater Multi-Storey Car Park, Northfield Street, Telford, TF3 4HD. Level 2 of the car park is the level which leads out to the street. On exiting the car park at level 2, turn left (away from the shopping centre entrance) and walk towards the large, gold building (SW1 library). As you walk this way you will see Meeting Point House on the left.