ReSource’s calling is to enable little, local and ordinary churches to engage with the Holy Spirit for renewal, discipleship and mission.
Our History
Our focus on both renewal and mission reflects our foundation in 2004, which brought together Anglican Renewal Ministries (founded in 1982 to encourage individuals and churches to embrace spiritual renewal), and Springboard (an Archbishops' mission initiative in the 1990s).
ReSource was directed by Martin Cavender from 2004 until his death in 2015. Kevin Roberts succeeded him in 2016, moving from his previous work as Archdeacon of Carlisle and before that 25 years in local church leadership. Christopher Landau was appointed Director in 2021 following Kevin’s retirement.
Our Work Today
ReSource is now a ‘family’ of those committed to renewal in local churches, and our growing teams of volunteer Intercessors, ReSource Ministers and Alongside Companions enable us to journey with church communities and their leaders around the country. We work particularly within the Church of England, and delight to minister in other contexts when invited to do so.
A generation and more after charismatic renewal impacted so many within the church, we believe the time has come to broaden and deepen our understanding of spiritual renewal, and in particular to embrace its discipleship and missional dynamics. Renewal of the church is not an end in itself, but part of God's purposes in building his kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
Our Values
The ReSource Trustees have agreed the charity’s Values in the terms set out here in a short, summary form. They describe our core, foundational commitments in four key areas.
Biblically Orthodox. ReSource is grounded in a generous and adventurous orthodoxy, founded on the scriptures and expressed in the church’s historic creeds.
Trinitarian. ReSource rejoices in the work of the Holy Spirit in the context of the animated connectedness, community and mission of the Holy Trinity.
Kingdom Building. ReSource seeks to engage with the Holy Spirit as He brings God’s Kingdom in human lives, in the church and across the face of the creation.
Church Affirming. ReSource seeks the renewal of the church in the power of the Holy Spirit, as a foretaste and agent of the Kingdom of God.
Approach to Ministry:
Serve across Traditions. ReSource serves the breadth of the church across its traditions and denominations, expressions and sizes.
Committed to Diversity. ReSource serves the church as, itself, a part of the Body of Christ, committed to the diversity of the church and the church cultures that the Holy Spirit inspires.
Affirm the Small and the Local. ReSource has a heart for small and mid-size churches which constitute the majority of churches in the mainstream denominations and whose renewal will enhance the health and impact of the church in the nation.
Listen from Alongside. ReSource listens carefully to those with whom it works, respects the local history, context and distinctives wherever it works, and journeys with local churches and their leaders in supportive and prophetic partnership.
Work in partnership. ReSource builds strong and mutually supportive partnerships with those who share its vision, and have complementary specialisms, giftings and callings.
Reliance on the Holy Spirit:
Keep in step with the Spirit. ReSource can only do its work by keeping in step with the Holy Spirit and by maintaining a close dependence on the Spirit.
Grounded in Prayer. ReSource is committed to grounding its work in prayer and intercession and to pressing into holiness in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Encourage creativity. ReSource aims to model Spirit-inspired creativity and imagination in all areas of its life and work, never settling for the predictable or easy way.
Prophetic Voice. ReSource aspires to offer a prophetic voice to the church from a place of prayerful listening to the voice of the Spirit, and committed engagement with the churches it serves.
Trust God. ReSource trusts God for the resources and funding it needs, while inviting those it serves to contribute to the costs of the work.
Transparent. ReSource is committed to live in the light in every area of its life and organization, and with those with whom it prays and works.
High Standards. ReSource strives to maintain the highest professional standards and to keep in full all required legal compliances.
Accountable. ReSource affirms the importance of accountability as a personal and collective discipline, and is committed to honour those in authority in the churches it serves
What you gave us was just what we needed – enough teaching to focus our minds, and enough space to process where we are at, and all held together by the security of your prayer for us. I found it a truly renewing and refreshing experience; and I was particularly struck by your thoughts on wrestling Jacob in the last session. I am always so grateful for what you give us, and for your ongoing prayer for us all; we are blessed indeed to have your care and support.
Rt Revd Dr Michael Ipgrave Bishop of Lichfield
Resource offers a gentle, genuine, experience of charismatic ministry sensitively taking people out of their comfort zones. For some new to faith, this meant a safe space to receive prayer and experience more of God’s transforming love and peace. For one couple who had missed out before, the igniting of new passion in their faith. This has led to them stepping into new roles of service in the church. For some wary of the Spirit from past experiences of insensitive or disingenuous ministry elsewhere, the recovery of a receptivity and confidence in the power of the Spirit.
Annie McCabe, St Luke’s Southsea
It was very helpful to commit regular time to focus on the characters and events of Holy week. The online nature of the sessions and the possibility of catch up made it practical to do this. I was not able to attend all the sessions live but watched those I missed on YouTube. I found the focus on individual characters thought provoking, particularly becoming more aware of my own weakness and need for God’s grace.
Attendee at online retreat