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A Day on Disagreement - Foxhill, Cheshire

Loving Disagreement - The Problem is the Solution

Saturday 22nd June

10am to 4pm (refreshments available from 9:30am)

A day for clergy and lay leaders with the ReSource Director Revd Dr Christopher Landau, author of 'Loving Disagreement' and the 'Unity Course'.

Whether we're thinking about the church at a local level, nationally or internationally, the fact of disagreement among Christians is inescapable - but why is it often so toxic?

This day will be rooted in the reality of local church life, seeking to apply a theology of disagreement to the varied challenges faced in churches today.

£30 per person - includes lunch and refreshments. Sign up here

Reflecting on his experiences as a religion journalist, student of ethics and an Anglican priest, the day will be based around Christopher Landau's book, 'Loving Disagreement'. Biblical reflections will focus on applying the Fruit of the Spirit to the ways in which we handle our inevitable disagreements; the other key texts are the image of the vine, and the instance of footwashing, in John's Gospel.

Come and explore the challenge of facing disagreements in the life of the church in ways that reflect the love to which Christ calls his followers: ‘By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another’ (John 13:35).

Click here for sign up info and tickets.

If you have any questions, please contact the Foxhill team: | 01928 733777

Find out more about The Unity Course here

  • Session 1 – Thinking

  • Session 2 – Praying

  • Session 3 – Worshipping

  • Session 4 – Writing and Speaking

  • Session 5 – Unifying and Peace-Making

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