What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus in a post-Christendom age? In the traditional pattern of church life, following Jesus has been understood in two ways. First, deepening our relationship with him, through Bible reading, prayer, attending church and often through meeting in small groups to care for one another and study together. Secondly, following Jesus has involved identifying the gifts through which we may play our part in the work of the church and so help to support its life and further its mission.
However, when we look at the New Testament, we see that, although both these aspects are present, they are not the centre. The New Testament understanding of following Jesus is much more far-reaching than this. At its core is the idea of both outward and inward transformation of life into the image of Jesus, a transformation that affects our relationships in every sphere of life – our family, our workplace, our voluntary activities, our leisure pursuits.