Reimagining Ministry
Eight steps to transition your church to a Jesus-centred pattern of shared ministry.
We believe the Spirit is calling churches to rethink the relationship between clergy and laity and to transition to a new pattern of ministry rooted in a shared relationship with Jesus, in which lay ministry is no longer seen simply as ‘helping the clergy’ but lay people take their rightful place as leaders of their churches with clergy oversight.
This involves a profound change of culture, and you can expect the eight Steps of Reimagining Ministry to take up to two years to complete. For each Step, there is material for clergy and potential leaders to work through together and follow-up suggestions aimed at involving the whole congregation in the process of transition.
You can expect the outcomes of Reimagining Ministry to be:
· lay people confident in their call to serve Jesus, not just in church but in all the spheres of everyday life
· churches led by teams bound together by friendship and common purpose
· clergy relieved of an impossible task and freed to focus on their own gifts and calling
and as a result, churches energised by the Holy Spirit and confident in mission.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Course by Revd David Heywood