Revd Phil Stone

Hello, George Fisher here, a Yorkshireman from Sheffield. Before being ordained in 1984 I was Head of RE in a large Comprehensive school near Rotherham. I served my curacy in Conisbrough (South Yorkshire) where we saw an amazing move of God in healing ministry and church growth. After eight years we moved to St Thomas’ Blackpool, an Urban Priority Area parish, where we experienced renewal and significant growth. In 2007 I became Lichfield Diocesan Director of Mission spending twelve years encouraging evangelism, mission and growth throughout the churches of the diocese. A vital part of this was an emphasis on church welcome and I co-authored the Everybody Welcome course with Ven Bob Jackson. I was also Chair of the Diocesan Renewal Network and have had links with ARM/ReSource for over 30 years. In July 2019 I retired and with my wife Joan moved to Eastbourne to be nearer our family – daughter Ruth, husband Tim, and two grandsons – and am enjoying my hobbies of reading, gardening but especially photography.

Mission, discipleship and the work of the Holy Spirit are inextricably linked and having tasted what happens in churches where the Spirit brings life and it pours out into the local community, I am excited to be part of ReSource’s vision of renewal and growth for all.